Living Hope Foundation was founded by Joseph Antonelli, President and Sandra Antonelli, Secretary & Treasurer. Joe Antonelli worked 32 years as a wage and hour attorney representing employees. Sandra is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. It was in the early 2020 that Joe & Sandra decided that they would create a Foundation that will be Christ centered in order to stand in solidarity with the Pomona residents. The idea began with the desire to build a Community Center as an outreach and place to love our neighbors. Once Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, God has placed on our hearts to have LHF begin its work in other areas. Joe and Sandra were married in 1989 and gave their lives to the Lord in July 1992 after the birth of their oldest son. They have 5 children: Nick, Alexa, Daniel, Jacob, and Bereket. Daniel and Bereket were adopted from Ethiopia in 2005. The Antonelli family was also blessed with the addition of another Ethiopian woman, Elsa who had a relationship with Daniel & Bereket going back to 2004 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Elsa is a single mother to her son, Emmanuel. Elsa was adopted from Ethiopia by another family in New Mexico in 2005. Sandra and Joe also have been blessed with two grandchildren, Eleanor (“Ella”) born in June 2020 and Samuel born in November 2023.

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